Tips to overcome the winter blues

Overcome The Winter Blues With These Easy Self-Care Tips

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Are you struggling to overcome the winter blues? Those pesky winter blues can leave you feeling sluggish, unmotivated, or inclined to sleep more during the colder months.

woman laying on sofa

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you might be dealing with the winter blues. It’s a common phenomenon caused by factors like reduced sunlight, shorter days, colder temperatures (for many), post-holiday letdown, and more.

Fortunately, I have some simple self-care tips to help you overcome the winter blues.

Keep in mind there is a difference between the winter blues and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).  Symptoms of winter blues are lack of motivation, feeling down/sad during the fall and winter, and some difficulty sleeping.  

SAD is similar, but your ability to function is directly affected negatively due to your sad or depressed mood and ongoing sleep issues.

Even with my well-managed clinical depression, I occasionally encounter the challenge of overcoming the winter blues. I’ve discovered that many of the self-care strategies discussed below prove exceptionally effective in warding off those winter blues when they start to creep in.

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Here Are 9 Easy Self-Care Tips To Help You Overcome The Winter Blues

Give Yourself Grace

Give yourself permission to unwind and recharge. It’s perfectly normal not to check off everything on your daily to-do list. We’re all human, and there’s a limit to what we can accomplish. Those never-ending “to-do” lists can wait. Remember to show yourself some kindness.


Listen To Your Favorite Music/Dance To Help Overcome The Winter Blues

Listening to music can be very uplifting.  Find what music fuels your soul, music that makes you feel like dancing.   Dance around the house; who cares who is watching?  Remember, you are doing this for yourself. 

woman dancing - overcome the winter blues

Get Some Exercise/Physical Activity To Release The Restlessness

Go for a walk in your neighborhood or your favorite park.  Or, head to the nearest mall or rec center where you can walk.  

Enlist a friend to go with you as it is always nice to have someone to talk with while you are walking.  It can make time seem to pass quickly. Exercise, even if brief, can elevate your mood. 

Related Post: Exercise For Women Of Middle Age IS Important! Here Are 4 Reasons Why

Use Aromatherapy to Help Overcome The Winter Blues

Diffusing essential oils or applying them to your pulse points can also help boost your mood. 

Get Adequate Sleep

Establishing a consistent daily sleep schedule is vital in the journey to overcome the winter blues. Prioritizing sufficient sleep is essential for enhancing your mood.

Consider implementing a soothing bedtime routine, which may involve activities like indulging in a relaxing bath or shower, enjoying a cup of decaffeinated tea, switching off the TV, and setting aside your phone.

Related Post: How to Create a Good Evening Routine for Better Sleep and Productivity

You can also invest in a Hatch Restore which aids in better sleep patterns.  It has a sound machine, reading light, wind-down content as well as a sunrise alarm clock. 

Use Light therapy

Overcoming the winter blues can be a challenge when daylight dwindles due to shorter days and frequent cloud cover in many regions.

A great solution to counteract this lack of sunlight is to expose yourself to blue light. Scientifically validated, blue light therapy is an effective method to enhance mood and boost energy during the winter months.

Try Meditating

Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, which could be contributing to winter blues.  The act of meditation allows you to redirect your thoughts. 

You could simply sit in a quiet area of your home and focus your thoughts on a place or thing that brings you joy.  I am not a meditation expert; however, you might be surprised how this simple meditation exercise can improve your mood. 


Pick Up The Phone

Sometimes all we need is someone to talk to, to share our thoughts and feelings. 

Reach out to a friend, a close co-worker, a family member, or someone from your church.  This can go two ways; you may be the one who needs to talk or you could be reaching out to someone who needs support. 

woman talking on the phone

We don’t always need to be on the receiving end of things.  Giving your time to someone else is very fulfilling and thus can be beneficial in helping you overcome the winter blues.



I have found volunteering at a local horse rescue to be a very effective way for me to overcome the winter blues.  I get so much joy in being with the horses as well as the other volunteers. 

Giving a little bit of your to a local charity is very fulfilling.



Take On A Winter Self-Care Challenge

Initiating a winter self-care challenge can be a game-changer when it comes to conquering those pesky winter blues.

By setting aside time for self-care, you’re actively nurturing your mental and emotional well-being.

Whether it’s cozying up by a fire, indulging in your favorite warm beverage, or simply taking a stroll in the crisp winter air, these small acts of self-love can make a world of difference in brightening your mood and helping you stay positive during the winter season.

So, why not take on the challenge and give yourself the gift of self-care this winter?

Related Post: Welcome The Chill with A Fun 30-Day Winter Self-Care Challenge

Seek Help If You Can’t Overcome The Winter Blues On Your Own

If you’re struggling to overcome the winter blues, don’t hesitate to reach out to your physician.

Speaking from personal experience as someone who’s struggled with clinical depression for most of my life, seeking help from a trained professional can be a pivotal step in overcoming the winter blues.

woman with dog - overcome the winter blues

There’s no shame in it, and it could very well be the most effective move you make in your journey to overcome the winter blues. I promise, there is hope.

Check out – it’s a great website with tons of courses on things like staying healthy, getting better sleep, losing weight, and more.

Taking one of these courses could be a fantastic way to take care of yourself and overcome the winter blues. Give it a go!

Wrapping Up Overcoming The Winter Blues

In a nutshell, overcoming the winter blues is doable with the right self-care approach. From getting enough sleep to seeking professional help if needed, these steps can make all the difference.

Cheers to a brighter, happier winter ahead!

Be well…

Other Posts You May Enjoy:

.Embracing Holiday Self-Care: A Guide to a More Joyful Season

.Top 10 Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health: How Can It Help You?

.The Surprising Ways Gratitude Journaling Benefits Your Midlife Mind And Mood


Tips to overcome the winter blues.



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25 thoughts on “Overcome The Winter Blues With These Easy Self-Care Tips

  1. I love this! The time after Christmas is usually the hardest for me because there is nothing to look forward to until spring, and it is dark and cold outside. These are great tips to help you get through this tough time. Thanks for sharing these with us!

    1. It is a difficult time for sure. If I can help one person overcome the winter blues, I’d be happy 🙂 Thanks for reading.

  2. Thank you for this! I fit into this as many do. I really think my lack of exercise is playing a huge part in my mood lately. These are great tips to better your mood. I also LOVE that you volunteer at a horse farm!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting. I absolutely love the horse rescue, it’s been the best thing I’ve done for myself in a very long time. I feel so much better after mentally after caring for the horses. Moving my body is a def mood booster. 🙂

  3. You’ve made some great suggestions in your article. Reading and listening to podcasts are my number one things to get me out of the winter blues.

    1. Thank you! I’ve not listened to many podcasts, but I think it is something I should start doing. If you have any good ones to suggest, I’d love to know. Thanks for reading 🙂

    1. I agree! It is a great way to refocus your mind. Thanks for reading 🙂

  4. Great post!! My hubby got me a light therapy lamp and I swear it has made a huge difference!

    1. That’s great to hear it is helping you! Let’s hope the grey days of winter will pass quickly and we can enjoy the sunshine again soon. Thanks for reading.

  5. I love this! It’s so easy to get into a slump after the holidays, but I’m going to pull myself right out with these tips!

    1. I sincerely hope these tips help. They sure do help me 🙂

  6. Love these tips!! I have a plenty of sunshine in Florida, but self care is never out of season. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are so right about self-care never being out of season. Enjoy that beautiful Florida weather 🙂

  7. Sleep, aromatherapy and meditation are lacking in my routine. I light candles but I only just purchased my first set of essential oils to see what all the hype is about.

    1. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how relaxing some essential oils really can be. Hopefully, you will enjoy them as much as I do.

  8. The self care tips are awesome and so easy to do. Loved the post

    1. So happy to hear you enjoyed the tips in my post. I hope you find them helpful 🙂

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