10 ways to motivate yoursef

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Feel Accomplished

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Lack of motivation creeps in on many of us and it’s nothing to beat yourself up over.  It’s ok to take a break to reset your body and your mind.  However, there comes a time when you need to get back at it and get motivated. In this post, I will be sharing 10 ways to motivate yourself to help you feel accomplished.

Quite honestly there have been many days I have felt unmotivated and would rather take a nap or scroll social media, but neither option is a healthy way to live, in my humble opinion.

cat sleeping

10 Ways To Motivate Yourself

These tips have helped me get and stay motivated.


Take a moment to reflect on all you have accomplished rather than what needs to be done.  Completing a project is usually less daunting when you look at where you started and how far you have come. 

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Surround yourself with positivity.  One way of doing so is to buy yourself some beautiful flowers and keep them in an area where you will always see them.  A beautiful bouquet can be a representation of self-love and positivity. 

flowers in a vase

Another way to accomplish this is to place positive messages throughout your home.  For example, you can place these messages on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, desk, computer, or anywhere you will see them. 

Positive affirmation cards are a delightful way to feed your mind with positive thoughts.  I keep these positive affirmation cards at my bedside and view them in the morning or prior to going to sleep.

Another way to implement positivity would be to keep company with like-minded people, positive people.  You might be surprised at how much better you feel sharing your time with people who focus on positivity rather than negativity.


I believe there is a saying “a cluttered space equals a cluttered mind”.   Keeping your home free from clutter will help you work more efficiently.  Tasks are not nearly as overwhelming when there is some sense of order in your home.

desk and chair

Start by tidying an area in your home that you really enjoy spending time in.  Then, do everything you can to keep it that way and see how much more you appreciate that space.    By doing so you are more likely to be motivated to declutter other areas of your home. 

Ultimately, the joy you receive from a clutter-free home will inspire you to keep it that way.  I’m not saying everything needs to be perfect because it doesn’t.  However, everything should have a place to “live” so that when not being used the area appears more inviting. 

Organization bins are one of the best ways to keep clutter in check.  These eco-friendly bamboo organizers would work perfectly for decluttering.  They are available in many different sizes to make organization easy.


Another way to motivate yourself is to make a “to-do list” or “daily reminder list.  If you’re anything like me, I can’t remember things like I used to. Therefore, referring to a “daily reminder” list is an absolute must for me.  Check projects off your list as you complete them. That in itself is very rewarding.


Take on the hardest task when you are at your best.  Let’s say you are at your best in the afternoon (I am, lol) and an item on your list to tackle is deep cleaning the bathroom (yuck, right?).  I would get after deep cleaning the bathroom first thing in the afternoon, while I am at my best, before any other project on my “to-do” list. 

The overwhelming feeling of accomplishment would give me the motivation to get something else checked off my list.   How about you?


Find a charity that you are passionate about and give some of your time to them.  I discussed in another blog post how volunteering has truly kept me motivated. 

Knowing I am needed to help and that they are counting on me is my motivation to get up and get moving.  Getting out and meeting new people who share the same interests is a great motivator.


Holding yourself accountable for achieving your goals doesn’t always work.  With that in mind, tell someone what you want to accomplish and ask them to be your accountability partner.  Knowing someone will be checking in on your progress will motivate you to complete your task.


Set realistic goals for yourself.  Writing your goals down on paper makes them real.  You are more likely to work at achieving those goals if they are kept visible as a constant reminder to yourself to keep moving forward. 

goal setting planner


Find a podcast or motivational speaker and listen to their message.  This can be very rewarding in many ways as well as motivating. 


Have you heard the term “fail forward”?  What that means is to learn from what has not worked in the past, make changes and try again.  Let that so-called “failure” motivate you to do better the next time. 


Reward yourself!  This may be your favorite way to motivate yourself.  Make an agreement with yourself that once you complete a task, you will do something you enjoy. 

For instance, enjoy your favorite beverage, watch a movie, or rest. Do whatever brings you joy.  By bargaining with yourself, you will be more likely to continue to check items off your “to-do” list.

To wrap things up, keep in mind you don’t need to be motivated every waking minute of the day.  However, creating good habits by implementing these 10 ways to motivate yourself will in fact make you feel more accomplished. 

Be well…

10 ways to motivate yourself

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27 thoughts on “10 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Feel Accomplished

  1. Definitely do not allow past failures stop you rather learn from them. Writing goals and accountability I recently wrote about too. Great tips to maintain self motivation. Thank you for sharing. ☺️

    Pastor Natalie

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read & comment 🙂

  2. great! I also, listen to motivational speakers and to their messages. This can be very rewarding in many ways as well as motivating. this post is very helpful for how we to Motivate Yourself and Feel Accomplished

    1. Listening to motivational speakers is great! I’m glad you enjoyed these tips 🙂

      1. Such great advice! I find that journaling helps when it comes to reflecting on your accomplishments, setting goals and having a positive outlook. I love the part about an accountability partner and not letting your failures hold you back because that is part of what I do as a life coach. Love this post 💕

        1. So happy to hear you enjoyed this post!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post 🙂

  3. Great tips! I’m a list maker by nature, and it’s really motivating for me to be able to mark things off my list once completed 🙂 I also really like to listen to music as I do certain things such as cleaning and meal prepping. And decluttering is a must! I always end my day with a quick pick-up if needed so I’m ready to start fresh the next day. I love your bonus tip to reward yourself when you’ve completed a task!

    1. A reward after completing those daunting tasks makes it all worthwhile 🙂

  4. Wow, I love your thoughts on decluttering to increase motivation! What a good idea to declutter just one small area we enjoy spending time in to help us realize how good it feels to spend time in a tidy space! I’m a fan of micro cleaning, meaning you clean just little spots or do small tasks here and there as they make sense for your day. A clean home makes me feel so much more ready to conquer the day! Great post!

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post! I do love your idea of micro cleaning as well, thanks for sharing that.

  5. A great reminder of how the simple things can make the greatest difference. Very nice commentary.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words!

    1. Of course! Thanks for stopping by to comment :

  6. Writing goals down is something I am quite new to me. I have been using to-do lists for years but i have started to do the same for goals. Will see how it goes!

    1. I wish you the best of luck and truly believe it will help once it becomes a habit 🙂

  7. Making a plan definitely helps me keep focused. I also help myself by turning off my digital distractions.

    1. Unplugging is so helpful for sure!!

  8. Goals and incentives definitely keep me going! But I really need to start working on decluttering my space. I know I feel better when I’m organized, but it’s just too easy to let clutter happen.

    1. It is easy to let clutter happen, but try to focus on the wonderful feeling of being organized. That may kick start you into decluttering mode. Have a great summer!!

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