Exercise for Middle-Aged women

Exercise For Women Of Middle Age IS Important! Here Are 4 Reasons Why

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Did you know that exercise for women of middle age is important for so many reasons which go beyond lowering blood pressure & cholesterol, lowering risk for heart disease and diabetes, as well as other health risks? 

Now, hold on! That doesn’t mean you have to go out and run a marathon or bench press 100 lbs.  What it does mean is that we as women need to keep our bodies moving with some form of exercise as we get older.

woman exercising

Below, I will be discussing four reasons why exercise for women of middle age is extremely beneficial.

What happens to our body as we age?

Many years ago, my Internist at the time had a sign in his office that said “To Rest is to Rust”.  it took me years to really appreciate the meaning behind this statement. Now that I am much older, I fully embrace it and understand the importance of exercise for women.  It is imperative to keep our bodies moving in order to avoid “rusting”.

After the age of 30 we start to lose lean tissue.  Our bones become less dense with age, which can lead to Osteopenia, and in more advanced cases Osteoporosis.  This loss of bone density increases our risk for fractures making exercise for women of middle age crucial.

In addition, our body fat increases. This can lead to changes in body shape, which can affect our balance. 

Our stature might become shorter due to changes in our bones, muscles, and joints. 

exercise for women

And, as we go through menopause we experience a rollercoaster of hormonal changes, which leads to changes in our body as well as our mood.

Here are 4 reasons why exercise for women of middle age is important

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Improve mood swings – With age comes menopause bringing on a slew of hormonal changes. Decreasing levels of estrogen can cause mood swings, including symptoms of depression.

Exercise facilitates stabilization of mood swings caused by hormonal changes.  When we exercise, our body releases endorphins, which help to improve our mood.

Enhanced sleep – Sleep can often be a real issue for women. If you are in need of better sleep, exercise will definitely help you fall asleep quicker.  In addition, getting a good night’s sleep will avoid the feeling of being drowsy the next day. It’s a win-win situation.

Better bone health – This should be a huge motivating factor for middle-aged women, and women of any age to exercise.!! Physical activity aids in the prevention of bone loss. 

Bone loss, as discussed above, is referred to as osteopenia or in more advanced cases osteoporosis. These conditions are associated with an increased risk of fracture.

Weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises are the most beneficial in promoting bone health and can be broken down into two categories: High-impact and low-impact.

Examples of high-impact weight-bearing exercises would include walking, jogging, and dancing, just to name a few.

Low-impact weight-bearing exercises would be things such as elliptical training machines, stair-stepper, and low-impact aerobics.

Muscle strengthening exercises such as lifting weights or using resistance bands are also quite beneficial to bone health. 

woman lifting weight

Maintain weight – Physical activity aids in weight maintenance.  Exercise burns excess calories which would otherwise be stored as fat.  Exercising can also help build and maintain lean muscles.

What type of exercise for middle-aged women is best, and how much?

According to the Surgeon General, it is most beneficial to include a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

First and foremost, discuss any new exercise program with your doctor to be sure you are a good candidate for that particular program. 

There are so many different types of exercise programs available from weight-lifting to yoga, Pilates, dance, running, and walking.  The list of possibilities is endless. 

There really is a form of exercise for middle-aged women no matter what your ability is.  Many forms of exercise can even be performed from a chair if you are not able to stand for long periods of time.  It is just a matter of finding the right fit for you.

My Personal Exercise Choices

Personally, I enjoy yoga and Pilates with some cardio (at least I consider it cardio) on days I don’t do yoga or Pilates.  I primarily choose low-impact exercises as this works best for my body.

For my cardio, I spend 2-3 hours, one to two times a week, cleaning horse stalls.  It is quite strenuous work, but it is extremely rewarding.  It really doesn’t feel like exercise because I enjoy it so much!

As far as yoga and Pilates are concerned, I look for free online programs to join. This way I can fit exercise in around my schedule, which really gives me no excuse not to find the time to do it. 

Make It Fun!

Choose what feels good to you (again after a discussion with your physician).  Finding a type of workout you enjoy will help keep you motivated, and make the process more enjoyable. 

To up the fun factor of exercising, treat yourself to a purchase of a few cute, comfy workout tops and leggings.  Add to that, a good sports bra for added comfort.  To complete the look, don’t forget a pair of proper workout shoes. Wearing comfortable clothes and shoes while working out just makes sense.

Enlist a friend or family member to join you in your exercise program.  It’s amazing how having an accountability partner can help push you along, and keep you consistent. 

For an after workout treat, dive into this pajama/jogger set to unwind. It is so soft and cozy!! I could wear it all day every day.

This two piece set is so soft and cozy!

As part of your self-care routine add some form of exercise to help keep your bones strong, your mood uplifted, get quality sleep, and prevent your body from “rusting”.

“Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live.”– Jim Rohn

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14 thoughts on “Exercise For Women Of Middle Age IS Important! Here Are 4 Reasons Why

  1. This is great information!
    You are doing an awesome job with
    Your blog!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to read it and comment ☺️

  2. I love this! As I am getting older (and busier) it is harder to find time to fit in exercise. But it is even more important now! Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Yes, it is so important to keep your body moving, especially as we age!!

  3. Great ideas! And thanks for sharing those cute and comfy PJs – I’m always on the lookout for good PJs. I can’t wait to order mine!! Love your blog!!

    1. Thanks Lisa! The PJ’s will not disappoint!

  4. I am terrible with exercising, particularly in the winter. In the spring and summer I work on our yard and gardening. So like your cleaning of horse stalls, it is rewarding. But other than that, I haven’t done any formal exercising in years. I’ve never tried yoga or Pilates. After reading this and being reminded it’s not just about losing/maintaining weight, I really need to start doing something. Thanks for the info.

    1. So glad this has inspired you to at least start thinking about exercising. I really love yoga and pilates. There are so many different types of yoga available. It can be so relaxing yet so good for you. Best wishes to you.

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