5 Ways To Achieve A Healthy Morning Routine

5 Easy Ways to Achieve a Healthy Morning Routine

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Mornings can be a challenge for busy women, especially if you’re trying to juggle work, family, and time for yourself. But with a little bit of organization and planning, you can create a healthy morning routine that will make your day easier and more productive.

How Is Having a Healthy Morning Routine Beneficial?

There are many benefits to having a healthy morning routine. For one, it can help to set the tone for the rest of the day.

alarm clock - healthy morning routine

A healthy morning routine can also help to improve focus and productivity levels throughout the day. Additionally, it can help boost energy levels and improve mood.

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One way to create a healthy morning routine is to wake up at the same time each day and start with some light exercise. This can be followed by a healthy breakfast and some quiet time for reflection or meditation.


Taking some time in the morning to focus on your health and well-being can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day.


Experiment with different morning routines to find what works best for you, and stick with it for at least 21 days to form a new habit. Remember that healthy mornings lead to healthy days, so make your morning routine a priority.

Related post: How to Be More Productive in The Morning Making For A Successful Day

.Reduce Stress

Can a healthy morning routine help reduce stress? The answer is yes! 

A healthy morning routine generally includes some combination of the following: exercise, meditation or mindfulness, journaling, and healthy eating.

All of these activities are known to help reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health.

Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress levels. Not only does exercise help release endorphins that make you feel good, but it also helps clear your mind and focus your attention elsewhere.

Meditation and mindfulness have been shown to be effective in reducing stress levels as well. They both involve focusing on the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Journaling is another great way to reduce stress levels. It allows you to express your thoughts and feelings get them on paper and clear your mind. 

Visit Silk & Sonder to view their beautiful monthly journals.  Use code Karen15off to get 15% off your first purchase. 

.Improve Relationships

Having a healthy morning routine can help improve your relationships.

heart made with hands


When you take the time to focus on yourself and your own well-being each morning, you’re setting the tone for the rest of the day. You’ll be more patient, relaxed, and positive, and this will carry over into your interactions with others.

5 Easy Ways to Achieve a Healthy Morning Routine

While a morning routine looks different for everyone, some key components should be included to set yourself up for a successful day.  

.Wake Up At The Same Time Each Day

This helps regulate your body’s natural sleep rhythms and can make it easier to fall asleep at night. 

Don’t hit the snooze button…you are just avoiding the inevitable.  Those few extra minutes really don’t make a difference in how you feel.  It will only mean that now you have to rush your morning routine. 

Perhaps investing in a Hatch Restore would be helpful in setting up a consistent wakeup routine.

.Drink a Glass of Water As Part of Your Healthy Morning Routine

Staying hydrated is important for your overall health, and starting your day with a glass of water can help you stay on track.  

Keep a water bottle on your bedside table as a reminder.   

.Eat Breakfast

Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day, so start your day off right with a nutritious meal. 

According to a WebMD article, including 20-30 grams of protein in the morning (this varies by gender and activity level) is needed to keep up your muscle mass and metabolism. 

So don’t skip out on the protein.  A combination of carbs and protein is your best bet.

berries and oats - healthy morning routine


Getting some exercise in the morning can help you wake up and energize you for the day ahead.  It can also improve your focus and concentration especially if you have trouble staying focused during the day. 

You can join the community at 99Walks and get 10% off their entire site or if yoga is more your thing, try Yoga Download where you can gain access to over 2400 online yoga classes.

Related post: Exercise For Women Of Middle Age IS Important! Here Are 4 Reasons Why

.Take Time for Yourself

Whether it’s reading, meditating, or just enjoying a cup of coffee, taking some time for yourself can help you relax and start your day on a positive note. 

Imagine how much more relaxed you will be at the start of the day if you take just a few moments to yourself first thing in the morning.

Why Is a Healthy Morning Routine Important In Midlife?

It’s no secret that healthy habits are important for overall health and well-being. But did you know that healthy habits can be especially important in midlife?

That’s because healthy habits can help to offset some of the common changes that occur during this time, such as declining hormones, reduced muscle mass, and decreased bone density.

A healthy morning routine can help set the tone for the rest of the day and make it easier to stick to healthy habits throughout the day.

Tips to Get You Started with A Healthy Morning Routine

Plan Ahead – Set yourself up for morning success by preparing the night before.  For example, prep the coffee maker to turn on automatically, prepare lunches and outfits for the next day, and have everything you need to get out the door prepared in advance.   

Get Up Early – This will allow you to ease into your day and not feel rushed. Take this time to enjoy some quiet time before the family wakes up. 

Enjoy a cup of coffee/tea, get in your exercise, journal, meditate, or just do something that makes you happy.

woman enjoying a cup of coffee

Prioritize – As part of your evening routine, make a “to-do” list for the next day and prioritize each item. This will ensure you will get the most important tasks accomplished.

Keep a Consistent Evening Routine – Go to bed at the same time each night and allow yourself plenty of sleep. This will in turn help you wake up early and start your morning routine. 

Related Post: How to Create a Good Evening Routine for Better Sleep and Productivity

If you’re looking to improve your midlife health, decrease stress levels, and strengthen relationships, consider making some changes to your morning routine.

From setting aside time for movement to taking a few moments for stillness and reflection, these small tweaks can have a big impact on the way you feel throughout the day.

Who knows, once you get into the habit of following a healthy morning routine, you may just find that you enjoy it and maybe even look forward to it more than you ever thought possible.

Be well…



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5 Ways To Achieve A Healthy Morning Routine

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52 thoughts on “5 Easy Ways to Achieve a Healthy Morning Routine

  1. Totally agree with all these points. I’ve been meaning to add more healthy activities to my morning routine!

    1. Thank you! It’s not always easy to do especially if you’re not a morning person, which admittedly I’m not. Working on it though lol

    2. I do hope the tips help you find more time for yourself in the morning 🙂

  2. Such great tips in this article – I wish I would have read it this morning as the day has already gotten away from me. Tomorrow morning I will rise with your tips in mind! Thanks.

    1. Thank you! I do hope the tips are helpful for you in the mornings to come 🙂

  3. Such great advice! I am working to put exercise in my morning routine. With teaching, blogging, and balancing family time I just can’t seem to get it in any other way. This makes it seem even more rewarding to do the exercise at that time. Always love your work!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! So happy you are making time for yourself in the morning. It really makes a difference in how the rest of your day goes.

  4. Great tips for a balanced morning routine. I started getting up a little earlier to relax with coffee so my morning wasn’t as rushed. I will keep some of the other ideas in mind, too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Good for you that you are setting aside a bit of time to enjoy your coffee in the morning. It seems to taste better uninterrupted, right 😉

  5. From now onwards, this will be my go-to guide for a healthy morning routine.
    Want more posts like this especially on healthy and sustainable living.
    Thank You!

    1. I’m so happy you enjoyed this post! Love the suggestions for future posts as well 🙂

  6. Great ideas and tips, a morning routine can act as preparation for the day’s activities during the day.

    1. So true! Thanks for stopping by to comment 🙂

  7. This was a very insightful post! Lately I’ve been thinking that I need to reinvigorate my morning routine, because I have nothing exciting to look forward to when I first get up. But this will definitely help; especially the doing a small form of exercise like meditation. I’ve JUST been thinking about getting into that and now I may have a reason to do so! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

    1. You are quite welcome! Meditation would be something really nice to add to your morning routine.

  8. This has given me some easy to apply tips for a healthy, morning routine, thank you! Most of us are productive in the mornings so it’s important to start the day right!

    1. I’m so glad you like the tips and hope you find them useful 🙂

  9. Honestly, I am NOT a morning person. But my mornings – and days – are so much smoother and more productive when I wake at a decent time and stick with my routine. My next goal – incorporating some light yoga into my routine.

    1. I’m with you in that I’m not a morning person either although I too recognize how much better my day goes if I have a routine. Light yoga sounds amazing for the morning!!

  10. My favorite tip of yours is to take time for yourself! I love this about my morning routine. I’m a believer that morning routines don’t actually have to be productive! You have the rest of the day for that. I wake up a bit earlier than I “need” to so that I have time to sit on the couch with my pup and sip my coffee slow. This one thing has single-handedly been setting my days up for success! Wonderful post, Karen 🙂

    1. I love that! Easing into the morning speaks volumes to me. I’m sure your pup enjoys the time with you as well 🙂

  11. Good ideas and tips especially for starting the new year. Morning set the pace for the day hence it goods to have a healthy morning routine .

    1. That’s for sure! Hope you have a great start the new year!

  12. I always do so much better in my daily routine when I keep a healthy morning routine. There are times I fall out of my routine but am always so happy to get back to it. I absolutely love the 99 Walks Community. I had never heard of it and love the idea of working with a community to get healthy….and earn a bracelet. Love that! Thanks for the great morning routine ideas!

    1. Absolutely! I agree that a good morning routine just makes the day run smoother!

  13. These are great tips for feeling better and having a more productive day! I’m motivated to get to bed early tonight so I can wake early and get a few stretches in!

    1. So happy you enjoyed the tips. A great evening routine will lead to an even better morning routine 🙂

  14. This is such a great list of healthy morning routines! The way we start our day is so important. Thanks for sharing this list!

  15. Thank you for sharing these tips! I’m currently revamping my own morning routine. I will take any suggestions / tips I can get. Great post!

    1. Thank you! I hope you find something that really works well for you to make your day run smoother 🙂

  16. Thank you for the tips. I have noticed with age how much I value my morning routine and how it sets me up for a more successful and productive day. If I slip out of routine on a work day the effects are apparent. 🤪

    1. You’re welcome! I hope you find them helpful 🙂

  17. Agree with you Karen when you wriote in this post ” Taking some time in the morning to focus on your health and well-being can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day. ” Nice post with helpful tips. Warm regards, Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health

    1. Hi there Nancy! It sure can! Having a healthy morning routine makes all the difference in the world! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  18. Simple and easy to implement! I can’t wait putting this morning routine into action! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello John! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my healthy morning routine post. So happy to hear you found the ideas I shared easy to implement. Wishing you many happy and healthy mornings!!

  19. I love the morning protein tip, I have noticed I do better with some protein to keep me going! Thanks for sharing with SSPS#268. Pinned and we hope to see you again next Monday! Have a great week ahead.

    1. Hello Melynda! Yes, I add protein powder to my yogurt every morning and it definitely helps keep me feeling full and energized. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my healthy morning routine blog post. Hope you have a wonderful week as well 🙂

  20. Thank you from your SSPS Team and Esme for sharing your various links with us at #268 SSPS Linky. I am busy designing and creating an access database of IG and FB links and handles as you share your links with SSPS.
    If you have an account please let me know your IG and FB information then I can add and easily tag you when you’re in the top 5 and I promote your post. Feel free to email me at esme@esmesalon.com or in the comments

    1. Hello Esme! I just sent the information to your email address 🙂

  21. Congratulations Karen, your post will be featured on SSPS, Monday and also on FB Bloggers Share, Care & Inspire as well as Instagram: _esmesalon

    1. Thank you so much Esme’! I’m looking forward to it!!

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