Benefits of Decluttering Your Workspace

Benefits of Decluttering Your Workspace:  A Simple Guide to Tidying Up

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If you’re like most people, your workspace could probably use some decluttering. Perhaps you have papers, pens, and other random objects scattered everywhere. But what many people don’t realize is that having a cluttered workspace can actually be harmful to your productivity. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of decluttering your workspace and provide a simple guide to tidying up.

Read on to learn more!


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What is decluttering?

Decluttering is the process of removing all unnecessary items from your workspace. It’s about getting rid of stuff that you don’t use and don’t need.

Space is often a limited commodity in our homes, so decluttering can help you make the most out of your space by reducing clutter and reorganizing things efficiently.

Related Post: How to Declutter Your House in One Day: 10 Simple Steps to Get Started

As part of your daily routine, you should do some sort of general tidying or cleaning. This might include cleaning up after meals, doing laundry or folding clothes, washing dishes after meals, etc.


washing a pan

You should also take time to get rid of any trash that accumulates around your home (including recycling bins).

Ultimately though, this means different things to different people depending on their lifestyle choices.

Someone who works from home will have more flexibility around what they keep in their workspace. Those who have kids may need special storage containers for toys. People who travel frequently may travel with fewer belongings than others; and so forth!

On to discuss the benefits of decluttering your workspace.

What Are the Benefits of Decluttering Your Workspace?

Decluttering Your Workspace Is the First Step to A Productive Space

Decluttering can be daunting and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be!

When decluttering your workspace, start with small steps. For example, if your desk holds all of your papers, clean off one side at a time. This will help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Then when you’re decluttering papers on your desk into piles or folders, do this in stages as well.

First, go through all the papers in one pile and decide what needs to be kept and what doesn’t. Then, move on to another pile until all piles are empty. Once this process is complete, you’ll want to put them into their appropriate folder or box.










The Items Around You Have an Impact on Your Mental State

You may not realize it, but clutter can cause stress. If you have items lying around that you don’t use, they’re adding to the number of things in your life that you need to keep track of which can lead to stress.

Unused items can cause fatigue because they require more effort than necessary for their upkeep or storage.

Why Does Clutter Matter?

Clutter isn’t just an eyesore. It can also lead to feelings of overwhelm, lack of control, and failure. It can make you feel like you aren’t good enough and that you are falling behind everyone else. This is why it’s so important to keep your workspace tidy—and why decluttering your workspace is beneficial for your mental health.

How Does a Messy Desk Affect Our Mental Health?

When we have a lot of clutter on our desks, it creates an environment where we feel overwhelmed and unable to focus. This leads us to become distracted by other items in our space or even external factors like social media alerts from various apps on our computers or phones.

.Having A Clean Workspace Can Help You Feel Better About Yourself and Your Abilities

  • You’ll feel more productive.
  • You’ll feel more confident.
  • It will help you get things done faster, which means less stress and anxiety.

When you do finally sit down at your workspace, it will be a more pleasant experience because your workspace doesn’t look like a tornado just passed through it!

This is especially important if you work from home or in an office where other people are around regularly; no one wants to spend time in an environment that looks like chaos reigns supreme.

.One Huge Benefit of Decluttering Your Workspace Is Being Better Able to Focus on the Task at Hand

This is especially true if there is a lot of clutter on a desk or in an office. When there is clutter everywhere, it can be difficult to find what you need to make progress on the task at hand.

When things are disorganized and cluttered, it can be frustrating because being organized makes people feel more in control of their lives.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your stuff, then decluttering is a good way to regain control and prioritize self-care. Organization helps reduce stress levels while improving productivity.


.Another Benefit of Decluttering Your Workspace Is You Can Access Items Faster When They are Organized and Orderly

When you have a pile of papers on your desk, it’s hard to tell what is important and what isn’t. Having a system in place makes it easy to see what requires your attention, which makes prioritizing tasks easier.

Organization is key for accessing items quickly and easily. Organizing is not just about physically organizing your space; it’s also about mentally clearing out the clutter from your mind so that the next time you want to find something, you can do so more easily. It’s easier to get inspired when everything around you inspires creativity.

5 Ways to Start Decluttering Your Workspace Today

1. The First Step in Decluttering Your Workspace Is to Clean Out Your Desk

To begin decluttering your workspace, take everything off your desk in one fell swoop and then clean it. Dump out the contents of your drawers and sort through what you have.

Make two piles: items that are useful to you and items that are not. Go through each pile item by item, deciding whether you should keep or toss each item.

Put things back on your desk with only the items that increase productivity or improve the appearance of your workspace (such as a plant).

If something doesn’t fit in this category, move it to another location where it can be easily accessible but also out of sight.

2. Use Hanging Shelves

Consider hanging shelves above or on the sides of your desk to add even more storage space.

These shelves can be used for storing frequently accessed items or can be used as a catch-all. They can really make a big difference in decluttering your workspace.

There are many different types of hanging shelves available, including some with a floating look and others that sit flush against the wall.

3. Desktop Organizers Help Keep Things Looking Neat And Tidy

Another way of decluttering your workspace is to make use of desktop organizers like drawer organizers, pen holders, and paper trays to place items in order.

Keep your items organized and in order so you can easily find them when needed.

4. Boxes, Baskets, and Storage Bins

Use boxes, baskets, and other storage containers that look appealing and will match the rest of the decor in your office space.

To me, this is one of the fun benefits of decluttering your workspace. Make your workspace somewhere you really enjoy spending time.

Before you can begin decluttering your workspace, first take a look at what you already have in storage. If you’re like most people, you probably have items that are taking up valuable space.

Try storing these items somewhere else—like in a closet or under the bed—to free up some space in your office.

You should also consider how easy it would be for someone else to access the containers.

5. Sort Things Out

Don’t be afraid to sort through past assignments, notes, or other work items you no longer need.

If you don’t want to spend hours trying to remember what assignments or tasks need completing, keep a notebook handy where you can write down tasks as they come up.

Final Thoughts On Decluttering Your Workspace!

By decluttering your workspace, you can free up valuable storage space and make your office feel less cluttered.

Decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Before you start tossing things out, take time to decide what is worth keeping and what should be tossed.

Remember, the benefits of decluttering your workspace may not immediately present themselves. It takes time to build up a healthy habit, and you might even encounter setbacks along the way. But just like getting in shape or learning a new skill, it’s important to keep pushing yourself forward and to be patient with the results.

The more you practice these steps, the more natural they will become. In no time at all, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your focus and productivity levels!

Be well…



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Benefits of Decluttering Your Workspace

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38 thoughts on “Benefits of Decluttering Your Workspace:  A Simple Guide to Tidying Up

  1. Clutter stresses me out. I like to be organized, I feel much more productive. Thank you for the great suggestions 😊

    1. You’re welcome! Thanks for visiting.

  2. This is a great post. Wonderful suggestions and points regarding decluttering. I agree it helps when you clean up your workspace. Thank you for sharing. ☺️

    Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)

    1. Thank you, so glad you enjoyed this post!!

  3. Clutter is the worst when it comes to feeling calm and organized! I always start my day off with a quick tidy of my desk and the things I’ll be needing for the day – it helps so much

    1. That’s a great way to start your day! Having only the things you need certainly keeps things serene.

  4. Great ideas now that I am looking at my desk.. yea it needs some help. No after that… do you have anything for decluttering my computer…

    1. Thank you!! Ha, I’ll have to get working on a post about computer decluttering.

  5. Great tips Karen. I live sustainably and purposely have less junk to begin with. Anything I buy new for my office must be high quality and long-lasting. Thanks for sharing and have an organized day.

    1. I love that you only make purchases that will last a long time. That is such great advice! Thanks for stopping by to comment. It is always appreciated!!

  6. I love boxes and bins! Decluttering your workspace is so important. I learned that years ago and have always, every single day, cleared off my desk before leaving it. Everything has a place, and if it doesn’t it gets a file folder!

    1. That’s the best way to stay efficient and keep your mind calm. I love bins and boxes as well, almost too much lol

  7. I love all your suggestions. At the end of each day, I organize my workspace and I feel as if I can leave work behind. When there is a mess you don’t feel finished. Love some of the products you suggest.

    1. Glad you enjoyed this post! I agree, there is something about leaving the clutter behind that seems unfinished.

  8. Decluttering or generally tidying up my desk always leaves me feeling lighter. In an attempt to keep my space tidy, I have one shelf that’s “allowed” to be messy. I think it gives me some control while also keeping my space from being perfectly clean so I won’t stress about it.

    1. That’s a fantastic idea! We all have to find what will work for us, and it sounds like you found it!

  9. there are so many benefits to decluttering a space! Do you have any tips on how to declutter in a timely, but not overwhelming, fashion?

    1. What works for me is to stay on top of the clutter. Don’t let things pile up. By keeping things uncluttered for the most part we can avoid overwhelm. If, however, things are already cluttered, my suggestion would be to start in one small area and stay focused on that area until it is decluttered. Then, move on to another area. Breaking things up into smaller projects helps avoid overwhelm.

  10. This is a great article with great tips. My office is my sanctum, I have a dorm fridge, fairy lights and recliner in there. My husband even built a deck for me to sit on when it’s nice out. So I definitely try to keep clutter to a minimum.

    1. Oh that sounds amazing Ronda! Nothing better than loving your workspace!!

  11. Awesome advice. I try to live simply and avoid collecting too much stuff. Now when I bring in items, I look for things to get rid of or give away.

    1. That’s a great system to have in place to keep clutter at bay.

  12. Having a clean and tidy workspace is a big confidence booster. It gives me a feeling of pride and accomplishment. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    1. Absolutely! An uncluttered workspace truly is something to be proud of!!

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