Time-saving tips for at home

5 Time-Saving Tips Which Will Make Your Life Easier At Home

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Do you find there are just not enough hours in the day to get to the bottom of your never-ending “to-do” list?  There is always one more chore to accomplish, right?!  As they say, a woman’s work is never done.  I have reached a point in my life where I needed to implement some time-saving tips to help me tackle my “to-do” list to save me time, and lessen the stress at home.

writing a "to-do" list

Implementing these time-saving tips at home has made my life a lot easier.  I hope they will be helpful for you too!


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Simple Time-Saving Tips:

. Curbside pickup or grocery delivery – This is by far my favorite time-saving tip!

Going to the grocery store is extremely time-consuming, and quite honestly, I despise it!  I would rather go to the dentist than the grocery store. The whole process is quite daunting in my humble opinion.  I know, some people love to grocery shop, but not this girl! 

I have estimated that I save at least 3 hours of my time per week by ordering groceries online.  The process is so simple anyone can do it.  Just shop from the grocery store of your choice online, and schedule curbside pickup or delivery to your home.  Personally, I think this is the best time-saving tip there is!! 

curbside grocery store pickup

.Save time vacuuming – Purchase a robotic vacuum (Roomba or Eufy)

Hear me out on this.   Perhaps you are not as finicky as I am about vacuuming your floors, and that’s ok.  However, I vacuum daily, primarily because I have pets who shed a lot. 

Because of this, I was in desperate need of a time-saving tip for this household chore.  I would spend approximately 40 minutes everyday vacuuming, which is ridiculous when I could be doing other things.   Yes, it may burn some calories, but I’d rather do 40 minutes of yoga or Pilates than lug around a heavy vacuum.  The beauty of the robotic vacuum is that you turn it on and just let it do its thing!! 

DISCLAIMER: I would caution you NOT to run the vacuum when you are not home especially if you have pets.  You never know what surprises your pets might leave on the floor only to have the vacuum run over them repeatedly.  No one wants to come home to that mess!   I am unfortunately speaking from experience.

I own a Eufy, and I LOVE it!  It has held up very well and does clean the floor quite nicely.  I still vacuum occasionally with a regular vacuum just to get in corners where the Eufy may not get to.  I prefer this particular cordless vacuum because it is not heavy, and the battery lasts a long time.

.Keep laundry in check – Yes, it one of the essential time-saving tips

Some may think I am a bit crazy with this time-saving tip.  However, I have found that letting laundry pile up just makes for an intimidating task that I don’t want to tackle. 

Keeping the laundry in check by washing/drying/putting it away on an as-needed basis makes this household chore much more manageable.  Keeping a laundry sorting basket handy also helps you see what laundry needs attention quickly saving you time sorting through dirty clothes.

laundry room

.Tidy the house before going to bed

There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning to a messy house, am I right? I prefer to tidy things up around the house before I go to bed at night.  Some of this includes putting all dirty dishes in the dishwasher and letting it run overnight. 

Go through the mail and get rid of any junk.  Letting mail pile up just makes for another discouraging chore of having to sort through it.  Create an organized area where you keep bills/papers/etc. that need your attention.  This makes it so much easier to find things when needed. 

.Set a timer

If you are anything like me, I will start a task then find myself distracted by something else that needs my attention, then never make it back to what I was originally doing. 

I have found that setting a timer for 15 minutes per job keeps me focused on the task at hand.  It’s like playing beat the clock – Will I get this one thing done before the timer goes off?  I may not always beat the clock; however, it certainly does keep me from getting distracted.  You will be surprised how much more you can accomplish when you are racing against the timer.


Final Thoughts On These Time-Saving Tips

There are many time-saving tips to be shared, and perhaps you have implemented some of my suggestions already or have tips of your own. If you do, I’d love for you to share some of your time-saving tips in the comments. 

I do hope you find this helpful.  Always remember, never be too hard on yourself for not getting everything accomplished in a day that you hoped for.  You are only human.  There is always tomorrow to tackle your unfinished list. 

Be sure to treat yourself to an act of self-care each day as a thank you to yourself for accomplishing all you were able to during the day.  You deserve it!

What is one of your favorite time-saving tips? Share it in the comments.

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Time-saving tips for at home

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20 thoughts on “5 Time-Saving Tips Which Will Make Your Life Easier At Home

    1. I can totally relate to the “squirrel” (LOL), which is why I use the timer technique to keep me focused.

  1. GREAT post!! I pinned it. Used to use a timer when I was doing a quick clean of the house. 15 minutes in each room. Need to get back to setting it when I am on the computer. I get started reading posts, pinning on Pinterest and 3 hours are gone before I know it.
    Need to give my robotic vacuum a little TLC. It is not scheduled right and runs about once a month. When it was going once a week, it really helped with the kitty fur.
    One tip I use is to try to touch things only once. Pick up the mail from the mailbox and instantly sort it. Not bring junk mail into the house, set it down and have to consider it again in a day or two. Same thing with putting things away. I try to put them directly away. Not on the stairs to be taken upstairs later and put away then.

    1. Thanks so much! I’m am totally guilty of getting on the computer and getting lost especially on Pinterest lol. You and I sound very similar in that I like to put things away immediately as well. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. These are fantastic ideas! I need to do the laundry one better… lol! Thanks for sharing!

    1. So glad you found this helpful. Thanks for checking out my post!

  3. Love the grocery delivery. I do this most of the time, as I make more per hour than what they charge for the delivery fee. That means I actually lose money going to the grocery store and getting my own groceries because I can’t work for that hour or two.

    1. That is an excellent point you make. I find I save money by not impulse buying while at the grocery store. If I purchase online I can’t physically smell the bakery and want to buy it all LOL

  4. Love the post! I am exactly like you, I get distracted so fast, it’s crazy! I never set a timer before for my chores, I’ll definitely give it a go! Thank you for the tips ♥️

    1. You are quite welcome. I hope these tips will help you with the distractions. They do help me when I implement them.

  5. Love this! These are great tips. I have found staying on top of some of the basics like laundry and dishes helps me keep up on the other bigger areas of my life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. So glad you enjoyed this. It really is easier to do one small task at a time than to have to face a huge project.

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