Personal growth goals and tips

Personal Growth Goals:  Tips on Why They Are Beneficial to Establish

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Why are personal growth goals important?  Goals give you a purpose, a plan, and motivation.  Ultimately, setting goals gives you something to refer to, track and celebrate the wins.  Additionally, personal growth helps you get to a place of being the best version of yourself and live a fulfilled life. 


small plant in the palm of a hand



Setting personal growth goals is something I didn’t realize the importance of until I reached midlife.  I found myself wanting to pursue new things, however, in order to do so I needed to set personal growth goals for myself because in actuality I had none.  Having set personal goals for myself has helped me immensely in all areas of my life.


Personal growth is an ongoing project. As goals are met new ones are set or perhaps goals are modified over time.  Be patient with yourself, Rome was not built in a day.

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We Are Like Plants

Think of personal growth like that of the growth of a plant.  When we set out to grow a plant or plants, we try to set them up for success with a good foundation to grow. For example, we gather all the necessities needed to grow a plant such as dirt, fertilizer, a planter, etc.  Thus, the foundation of the plant represents your plan of action you will map out to achieve your goals.



The next thing needed to grow a plant would be seed(s).  Nothing will grow without seeds, right?  Perhaps you only need one seed or several seeds to achieve the result you are looking for. So, let’s let the seed(s) represent your goal(s).




In order for the plant to grow you need to provide water, sunlight, fertilizer, pruning, and some TLC.  This phase will represent tracking of your goals and celebrating your wins. 



Where To Start When Setting Personal Growth Goals

Since personal growth in general can mean different things to different people, it’s important to determine what area or areas in your life you want to improve on. 


For example, do you want to work on your personal life, do you want to learn a new skill set to attain a new job, do you want to improve your spirituality, or improve relationships?




After you’ve determined what area(s) you want to improve on, it’s time to set your goals. 



One important thing to remember as you are contemplating how you want to improve is to take note of your areas of strength and reflect on them often.  This is of significance because at times we forget to acknowledge areas we excel in and only dwell on the negative. 


While contemplating your personal growth goals, think about what steps you need to take to achieve your goals and map out a plan of action.   Having a clear plan of action will make accomplishing your goals much easier.  


Also, take a look at whether or not these goals are realistic, and whether they can be broken down into smaller goals that will ultimately help you achieve your final objective. 


Personal Growth Goals: The SMART Goal-Setting System

Setting goals according to the SMART system will most likely make goal setting easier and more effective.

S – Specific (Be as specific as possible with what you want to achieve)

M – Measurable (Define what evidence will show you are making progress)

A – Achievable (Is the goal achievable)

R – Relevant (Are your goals relevant to your long-term plan)

T – Time stamped (Set a time frame in which you want to achieve the goal)

Ultimately, tracking your progress and referring back to your plan is key to keeping you on a successful path of personal growth.  Celebrating each of your successes is a tremendous way to keep you motivated.  Recognizing progress made certainly is a huge motivator.



To sum things up, take some time to reflect on where you are in your life to determine how or if you would like to improve in any areas in order to live a happier, more fulfilling life.  Implement the SMART goal-setting system and you will be on your way to achieving your goals on your personal growth journey. 



I will leave you with this lovely quote…

“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” – Oprah Winfrey

Be well…


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Personal growth goals, tips

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19 thoughts on “Personal Growth Goals:  Tips on Why They Are Beneficial to Establish

    1. You’re welcome! I hope they were helpful for you.

  1. That is an excellent post love the acronym, it’s only been in the last 2 years that I’ve been setting self-care goals and making sure they are achievable.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post! It’s great that you have been working on setting self-care goals for a couple years now. Keep up the great work!!

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