25 Simple Self-Love Gifts Ideas For Your Best Year Ever!

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After the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over, we all deserve some extra self-love. 

Woman holding a flower/self-love gift

The meaning of self-love according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary is “proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness or well-being”.

Related post: Self-Love Benefits:  How to Learn To Love Yourself In Midlife

So how can you show your own happiness? There are so many ways! One way is by giving gifts to yourself as a form of self-love.  Gifts that will help you have the best year ever!

Self-love gift

Simplicity is the name of the game here since the last thing anyone wants to do after Christmas is spend more money.  But, with all the post-holiday sales happening, it could be the best time to shop for that self-love gift.

In this post, I’ll be sharing 25 simple self-love gift ideas to help you start the New Year off on the right foot…loving yourself.

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25 Self-Love Gift Ideas To Start The New Year Off On The Right Foot

  1. Dateless self-care planner

What better way to start the New Year off than to gift yourself a new planner to help inspire you to live a happier, healthier life. 

2. Daily affirmations glass: A wonderful reminder for self-love

Sip your favorite beverage from this beautiful glass which showcases reminders of how amazing you are.


3. Learn something new

Think about what new skill or subject matter interests YOU most, but have been too afraid to try because everyone else seems so much more experienced in this area.   Investigate what steps you need to take to learn that new thing and GO FOR IT! 

4. Self-love mug

 Enjoy your coffee or tea from a mug filled with positive affirmations!

5. Turn off the negative self-talk

This can be difficult to do all the time, but with practice comes improvement.  Each time you catch yourself in that negative head space, try listening to an uplifting podcast or your favorite music. 

Read some positive affirmations and repeat them to yourself in front of the mirror.  You could even write down a few affirmations and place them where you will see them multiple times throughout the day.

6. Jade roller and Gua Sha tool set

Treat yourself and your skin to some extra TLC.  Using a jade roller and/or gua sha stone is so relaxing and beneficial to your skin.

7. Laugh

Give yourself permission to laugh at and enjoy the simple things in life.  Life is too short not to!  A joke-a-day calendar just might be what you need to get in a good belly laugh.


8. Self-love bingo

Start the New Year off with this fun self-care Bingo game.  Play along with friends or by yourself.  Be sure to reward yourself once you complete a row across, down, or diagonally.  There is a blank card and one already filled in for you. 

self-care bingo/self-love

9. Slippers

Well, because who doesn’t need new slippers?!  I keep 2-3 pairs handy at all times.

10. Celebrate YOU!

Reflect on your accomplishments no matter how big or small and celebrate them by buying yourself your favorite coffee, tea or sweet treat.

11. 30-day self-care challenge

One way to ensure you will practice self-love/self-care is to complete a challenge.  With this printable download, you’ll have tons of inspiration to guide you during the challenge.

self-care 30-day challenge/self-love

12. Candles

Wild Beautiful Free candles are made in the USA with pressed organic coconut wax and 100% pure aromatherapy grade essential oils for clean burning.  Candles provide a relaxing and soothing environment, perfect for self-love.

13. Move your body: An important aspect of self-love

Walking has many great benefits but not everyone is able to get outside and walk. 

Walk your miles and earn your braceket

With 99Walks.fit there are options for house walking classes, chair walking classes if you require a wheelchair, to traditional walking indoors or outdoors.  Join for a FREE 2-week trial period to see how you like it!!

14. Buy yourself flowers

Don’t wait for someone else to buy you flowers, you might be waiting forever.  Purchase a small bouquet from the grocery store where they are relatively inexpensive.   Take them home and arrange them in a pretty vase you already own.

15. Indulge in organic chocolate

Dive into some delicious, organic chocolate as a special self-love treat.

16. Use a scalp massager

Give your scalp an invigorating scalp massage.  This will take shampooing your hair to a whole new level!

17. At-home spa day

Give yourself a manicure and/or pedicure with Emma Beauty a long-lasting nail polish that is 100% vegan and cruelty-free. 

18. Relax in a bubble bath

Enjoy a relaxing bubble bath with Thyme Out all-natural bubble bath.  

19. Practice yoga

Give yourself the gift of a yoga class or a series of classes with YogaDownload.com. There are so many options to choose from as far as classes and programs to suit your needs and the level of yoga you are comfortable with.  You can’t go wrong!

20. Implement healthy habits

Start the New Year off by implementing a few new healthy habits into your daily routine.  Making a commitment to yourself to be a healthier version of yourself is a wonderful gift of self-love.

21. Meditate

Have you ever tried guided meditation?  If not, you should!  I use guided meditation nightly to help me get to sleep.  This audiobook and/or CD may just be the answer you are looking for to de-stress, relax, and ease yourself to sleep.  All of which are wonderful ways to show yourself some love.

22. Practice gratitude

Reflect on all your amazing qualities and learn to be grateful for them with the help of this self-love workbook

23. Get cozy

Plan out plenty of “me” time in your schedule.  Cozy up with a warm blanket and a good book or watch your favorite TV show. 

24. Stay hydrated

Keeping a water bottle handy at all times will help ensure you are getting the proper amount of water your body needs. 

25. Detox your skincare

If you are not already on a clean beauty journey, the new year is a great time to get started.  Take a look at the ingredients in your skincare.  You might be shocked at what you find.  So as not to be overwhelmed, start slow and switch to toxin-free skincare.  Your skin will thank you! 

Related post: Achieve Healthier Looking Skin With One Important Skincare Step


So, get ahead of the game and start the new year on the right foot by treating yourself with one or more of these simple self-love gifts.



Whether it’s taking time for yourself with a luxurious bubble bath, or giving your skin some extra TLC with a new skincare routine, there’s something on this list for everyone – and every budget.

So go ahead and give yourself permission to indulge in a little (or a lot) of self-love this year – you deserve it!


Be sure to share this post with someone you know who needs a little extra self-love to start off the New Year in the best possible way!

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56 thoughts on “25 Simple Self-Love Gifts Ideas For Your Best Year Ever!

  1. There’s a lovely range here. I would go for the Jade roller and Gua Sha tool set and other beauty tips for some pampering.

    1. Yes, that seems to be a very popular item. I love mine!!

  2. This is such a great idea! The list of ‘self-love’ items works for all ages – I am particularly interested in the Gua Sha roller as it looks quite relaxing and beneficial.

    1. You won’t regret that purchase. I absolutely LOVE my Gua Sha stone and jade roller. It’s a very relaxing way to end the day with the added benefit of giving your asking some TLC.

  3. This a great list of self-love items. I particularly love candles. I have some scattered throughout the room; they create such a nice relaxing atmosphere. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I do too! I particularly like this candle because it is a clean burning candle…something that is important to me.

  4. I love your gua sha pick! I’ve found that my skin care routine is such an important and fun part of my self-love routine! Just a few minutes spend on ourselves really makes a big difference.

    1. It sure does make a huge difference!! It’s never too early or too late to start taking good care of our skin

  5. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I LOVE this post. Self care is indeed so important….but you have gone the extra step with some very UNIQUE ideas. Self Care Bingo???? who knew??? I LOVE it! and I really love the self care planner from Silk & Sonder…what an awesome looking company! Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment. I love my Silk & Sonder journal. It is simply beautiful and functional.

  6. Scalp massager! Get myself one of them! Lush…

    1. Such an invigorating way to wash your hair!!

    1. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it!! I’m a sucker for cute drink cups lol

  7. Thank you for sharing these ideas! I am interested in incorporating a Jade roller into my skincare routine. I am a huge fan of skin care as self care.

    1. I absolutely love my jade roller. It’s such a wonderful way to relax while incorporating something good for your skin.

    1. Thank you! I love that mug too 🙂

  8. These are all wonderful suggestions for self-love care. The scalp massager is a wonderful tool!! I think too often we forget just how important self-love is for everyone’s overall well-being.

    1. Thank you so much! I agree, we tend to forget how important it is to take care of ourselves.

  9. Great gift ideas! I’ve been wanting a jade roller!

    1. The jade roller is so relaxing!! Grab one for yourself.

    1. Ah yes! A must-have for some cozy self-care 🙂

    1. You’re welcome! Thank you for your kind words 🙂

  10. This is a helpful list, thanks! I’ll definitely make sure to get myself some of these self-care gifts for Christmas!

    1. So glad it was helpful for you. I do hope you treat yourself to some sort of self-care gift. You deserve it!

    1. Thank you! I hope you can find time to relax and enjoy some of the tips.

  11. I am a journaling type of person, so the dateless journal is definitely a great item to have on hand. I also believe in practicing gratitude on a daily.

    1. Practicing gratitude is truly so helpful. Looking at what we have instead of what we don’t puts things in a whole new perspective.

    1. Absolutely, especially during the holiday season when we are so caught up in the hustle and bustle.

  12. With all the running around for Christmas I will definitely be treating myself and going crazy on the self care. I love the self care bingo idea!

    1. Yes, this time of year we tend to get lost in the shuffle of the holiday craziness. I hope you can find just a little bit of time for yourself 🙂

  13. Love this! Having specific items you really enjoy using can help so much! I always drink more water when I get a new water bottle etc. Fab ideas!

    1. Thank you!! Yes, finding things YOU enjoy is key!!

  14. This is a useful list! I would like to add the jade roller and gua sha tool set to my self care gifts this new year. I am already in the habit of using candles and they work very well for the energy and calm at home. Thanks for all your suggestions.

    1. You’re welcome! I love the jade roller and gua sha tool as a means to relax and show my skin some TLC.

  15. Excellent ideas! I really liked the fact that the gifts are for our own personal self-care. From simple to more effort-0riented the core of the gift is ourselves!.

    1. Absolutely! We need to focus on taking care of ourselves more 🙂

    1. Can we have too many slippers lol. Glad you liked the gift ideas. It was a fun post to put together.

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