5 ways to improve self-esteem

5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem: What I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life

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Self-esteem is key to a happy and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, many women struggle with self-esteem issues at various times in their lives including myself. If you’re seeking ways to improve your self-esteem, read on for 5 ways to improve it. These are tips I wish I had known earlier in life.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

According to WebMD the following are signs of low self-esteem:

. Hostility

. Sensitive to criticism

. Withdrawn from social life

. Depression

. Anxiety

. Alcohol/tobacco/drug abuse

By following the steps below, you can start to see a positive change in your self-confidence and overall happiness. Let’s get started!

5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

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Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

One way to improve your self-esteem is to stop comparing yourself to others.

It’s easy to look at other people and think that they have it all together, but everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel worse.

Remember that you are unique and special and that there is no one else quite like you. Focus on your own strengths and accomplishments and celebrate the things that make you who you are. When you appreciate yourself, others will too.

Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself

It’s natural to feel down on yourself from time to time. We all make mistakes and fall short of our goals in life. However, it’s important not to beat yourself up over these things. Accepting your mistakes and learning from them is a much better way to improve your self-esteem.

Yes, it’s easy to focus on your shortcomings, but dwelling on these things will only make you feel worse. Instead, try to focus on your positive qualities and the things that you’re doing right. This will help you feel good about yourself and build your self-confidence.

So next time you make a mistake, don’t be so hard on yourself. Accept it and move on.

Embrace Your Quirks and Flaws as A Way to Improve Self-Esteem

It’s easy to focus on our flaws and the things we don’t like about ourselves, but what would happen if we shifted our focus to our quirks and uniqueness? It might seem daunting or difficult at first, but embracing our quirks can actually do a lot for our self-esteem.

For starters, it can help us to feel more comfortable in our own skin. If we’re constantly fussing over the things that make us different, we’ll never be able to appreciate all the wonderful things that make us special.

Additionally, accepting our quirks can also make us more attractive to others. People are drawn to confidence, and nothing oozes confidence quite like owning who you are, quirks and all.

Be Grateful for What You Have

Everyone has something to be grateful for, no matter how big or small it may seem. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can help improve your self-esteem and outlook on life.

When you are grateful for what you have, you are more likely to attract more good things into your life.

So, take a moment each day to appreciate all the wonderful things in your life, big or small. You may be surprised at how much better you feel when you live a life of gratitude.

Allowing Yourself to Be Happy is Another Great Way to Improve Self-Esteem

When we see others around us struggling, it can be easy to doubt our own happiness. We may feel guilty for feeling content or joyful when others are going through a tough time. However, it is important to remember that everyone experiences different emotions and we all deal with difficult situations in our own way.

It is perfectly OK to feel happy, even when others are struggling. In fact, allowing yourself to feel happiness can actually improve your self-esteem and help you to deal with difficult times more effectively.

So next time you find yourself doubting your happiness, give yourself permission to feel the joy and contentment that comes from simply being alive.

Improving your self-esteem can be a challenge, but it’s worth the effort. These 5 tips to improve self-esteem should help you get started on the right path to a better sense of self.

Remember, don’t compare yourself to others – everyone is different and that’s okay! Don’t be too hard on yourself – give yourself time to relax and de-stress. Surround yourself with positive people who will support your efforts to improve your self-esteem.




And finally, set realistic goals for yourself – nothing builds confidence like achieving something you thought was impossible.




How have you improved your self-esteem in the past? What challenges do you still face when it comes to boosting your confidence?


Be well…

Book Recommendations:

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

Peace Love and You

Get Out of Your Own Way

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5 ways to improve self-esteem: What I Wish I Knew Earlier In Life

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23 thoughts on “5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem: What I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life

    1. Glad you enjoyed this post 🙂

  1. I love this post, sometimes it’s really difficult for me to maintain a high self esteem but ill try more of these tips. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I hope you find the tips useful 🙂

  2. So true! Love these tips, allowing yourself to be happy is my favourite but also I find the hardest one to apply. It takes a lot of courage and self trust to be open and let yourself be happy. Thank you for sharing this, great read!

  3. this is great advice. I definitely have struggled with comparing myself to others- it is something that I am working on.

    1. Small steps equal big changes 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your support. I’ll head over to your blog and check it out 🙂

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